Edgerton First Reformed

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Dwell in the Word: Hosea 12:2-14

Consider these questions as you dwell in Hosea 12:2-14:

  1. How does Hosea portray Jacob as an example for Israel to follow?

  2. What are the key characteristics that Hosea emphasizes in his call for Israel to return to God?

  3. How does the text reflect on the ongoing struggle between Israel's disobedience and God's mercy?


 So, as we come here to the 12th chapter, we see Hosea using the story of Jacob as an example of what Israel should do, right? So, we start here that that all the way back in the womb Jacob was seen by us as we read the book of genesis to be struggling with God and that's the idea there. He took his brother by the heel and in his manhood, he strove with God in other words from the time that he was young until he was a man he fought with the angel and prevailed He wept and sought the favor of the angel and notice what it says He met God at Bethel and there God spoke With us.

Notice it isn't just to Jacob. The author of Hosea here, Hosea, is saying that God is giving us revelation. God is telling us what we should do. He told us who he was.  He is the God of hosts. And so, we see in verse 6, So you by the help of your God return, hold fast to love and justice, And wait continually for your God.

So, what Hosea is saying here is, do what Jacob did. Return to the Lord your God. Um, from the beginning, Jacob himself struggled with God. From infancy to adulthood. But when he met with God, and God spoke, we wept and sought his favor. He, he learned faith, really. He learned to grow. He became someone who trusted in God.

You know, we see that story throughout the book of Genesis. We've seen that as I have preached through it, right? That there's this constant idea that the people of God just can't seem to trust God. But Abraham learned. Jacob learned and now Hosea is saying Israel Judah. It is time for you to learn you are guilty before God But it's time for you to learn faithfulness.

You have heard his Word. Remember God spoke with us He says he's calling back to the idea that you know, the Word of the Lord He is the one who has shown you favor and so we see this that God is calling them to repent and we see in verse 10 that God speaks to the prophets. He gives them that opportunity.

He gives them parables, gives them the opportunity to hear and to repent and to come back to him.  And as I mentioned before I started reading this passage, this is what we have seen throughout all of the book of Hosea.  This idea that they are turning away, but God is going to be merciful. So here we read these powerful words.

I'm going to read them again from verse 6. So, you, by the help of your God, notice they're not going to do this on their own. God is calling them, but he is also going to help them. By the help of your God, return, hold fast to love and justice. Wait continually for your God.  Hosea is calling the people of God to turn away, to stop this ride on the roller coaster up and down but return to God and stay faithful to Him.

And so, the call on our lives today as we hear this passage and as we think about the book of Hosea as a whole, our lives are the same way. I think we've all had periods where, where it was More obvious that we were desiring to follow God than other ones We all have struggled with the rollercoaster just like Israel has up and downs, right?

But here we have this wonderful reminder, hear the Word. Let the Spirit work in you today.  Return to God, by the help of God. Hold fast to love and justice. Wait continually for God.  May that be who we are when we find ourselves struggling. May we return to God. May we hold fast to him? May we remember that if we immerse ourselves in his word. If we hear his word, his Spirit will be at work at us he is the one who helps his people. So, help may God help us to hold fast. May we wait for him.