Edgerton First Reformed

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January 26-27, 2024 Presbytery Meeting Summary

Summary of the 40th Stated Meeting of Rivers & Lakes Presbytery
January 26-27, 2024
Waukegan, IL & Grayslake, IL

Moderator TE Ted Tromble opened our meeting with a reading from 1 Samuel 3:1-11 and invited commissioners to consider whether they would be willing to share their testimony of being called to ministry during the course of our meeting. We enjoyed several of these testimonies during our time together.

TE David Eikenberry and TE Chris Curtis welcomed us to First Pres of Waukegan and Hope EPC in Grayslake.

Clerk’s Report: On behalf of the Coordinating Council, TE Annie Rose presented three motions regarding our Chicago church planting effort. We dismissed the existing Chicago 7/20 Oversight Commission with our thanks and created a new Administrative Commission to oversee the ministry of TE Jeffrey Lancaster and to work with him to create a Memorandum of Understanding.

Treasurer’s Report: RE Terese Block reported that in 2023, we received 96% of our expected giving for the year, while our expenses were 84% of what we budgeted. As we move toward Percentage of Income giving (1%), we will depend on all our churches to participate as we seek to spend only what we receive. We were blessed with a $39,000 gift from the former Cedar Grove congregation to support church planting in Rivers & Lakes.

Church Health Committee Report: TE Matt Ferguson reminded churches to place him on their newsletter mailing lists so he can continue to encourage the sharing of “good news” among us. TE Doug Hull told us about the Aplington congregation’s experience walking through the second part of the EPC Refocus (revitalization) process, 50 Days to Vitality. He offered to share the daily readings on Nehemiah and small group materials with anyone who is interested.

Missions Committee Report: TE David Pleuss reminded us of the monthly prayer call on the second Wednesday of each month at 9 AM for the Sylheti people. We enjoyed an informative presentation from Saul Huber, EPC World Outreach Coordinator of Mobilization, featuring video greetings from people the Hubers have coached who are now serving the Lord all over the world. There will be a Missions Leaders Conference at Hope Church in Memphis Oct. 24-26. There is also an online Kairos missions course being offered on Thursdays, April 11-June 6. Anyone interested in these opportunities or wanting to connect with the Hubers for a future mission cohort can contact Saul at saul.h@epcwo.org.

Proclaiming the Gospel through Baptism: The Presbytery enjoyed a time of focused teaching on the Reformed understanding of baptism and how it fits within covenant theology. TE Annie Rose introduced the topic by reading Acts 16:25-34 and asked commissioners to split into small groups for discussion. Then a panel composed of TE Justin Beach, TE Stephen Hess, and TE Zach Hopkins answered questions about the meaning of baptism and how it accompanies our proclamation of the gospel.

Chaplain’s Report & Prayer Clusters: TE George Salnave updated us on his ministry to our pastors. Then commissioners grouped together for a time of prayer, using a prayer guide he prepared for us.

Presbytery at Worship: On Friday evening, we worshiped together and celebrated the Lord’s supper. TE David Eikenberry preached on “Turning toward the Kingdom of God” from Mark 1:9-17.

On Saturday morning, we reconvened at Hope EPC in Grayslake. TE Chris Curtis led us in worship and preached a message on Philippians 3:1-11, reminding us that our righteousness comes through faith in Christ.

All things General Assembly: TE Annie Rose brought greetings on behalf of the Office of the General Assembly. She gave a brief overview of developments in each of our Gospel Priorities, including an upcoming webinar series for pastors and their spouses and the Next Gen Leadership Summit being held in St. Louis April 9-11.
This year’s General Assembly will be at Hope Church in Memphis June 18-20.
We voted on both Descending Overtures from the 43rd General Assembly (Overtures 43-A and 43-B). RE Kelli Marks reported on behalf of the EPC Nominating Committee, encouraging TEs and REs to consider seeking endorsements to serve on national committees.

Overture from Session of FPC Aurora re. Book of Worship: TE David Goetz presented an overture on behalf of First Pres Aurora, asking the Presbytery to overture the General Assembly for a small but significant revision to the Book of Worship. The revision would make it clear that both adults and children are meant to be baptized before receiving the Lord’s supper. After discussion, the motion to overture the GA carried, and we are sending it for consideration for this year’s GA.

Ministerial Committee Report: TE Zach Hopkins reminded us that the deadline for business to be addressed by the Ministerial Committee for our April 2024 meeting is March 15. He also encouraged churches preparing for or walking through a pastoral transition to stay in close contact with the Ministerial Committee.
We heard a brief update on First Pres Aurora, as TE Jeff Moore has taken a call in Ohio and was transferred to Midwest Presbytery. With gratitude, TE Jeffrey Lancaster spoke of Jeff’s Christlike influence in Rivers & Lakes, and TE Jim Wilhoit led us in prayer for Jeff and his family.

Invitation to April 26-27, 2024 Meeting: TE Doug Hull invited all to attend our 41 st Stated Meeting at Aplington EPC in Aplington, IA. Moderator TE Ted Tromble closed our meeting with a charge from 1 Timothy 6.

This summary was provided by Rivers and Lakes Presbytery (EPC) Stated Clerk, Annie Rose.