March 10 Bulletin Announcements

Thank You: We want to say thank you for all the kind words and thoughts on the birth of our daughter, Kenna Jayne Kooi. We appreciate everyone's generosity during her stay in the NICU. Thank you to Pastor Mark for coming to visit us. We look forward to the day she can come home!                              Kellen & Courtney Kooi 

Marked By Grace: Our Lenten devotional series will cover the Gospel of Mark. Our final reading is the resurrection story in Mark 16 on Easter Sunday. Each day includes a Bible reading, a short reading about the passage, and some questions for you to consider.

You can find them every day on the church website's blog. The website has the devotional content and a link to the scripture reading. A quick link to the devotional content is We will also post the link to the daily devotionals on our Facebook Page.

The printed-out devotionals for the remainder of Lent are on the table in the Narthex.

Bloodmobile:  There will be a Red Cross blood drive at the First

Christian Reformed Church in Edgerton on Monday,  March 25, 2024, from 12:30 until 6:30.  Please call Betty at 507-227-8416 or to make or confirm an appointment.  Can we collect 75 units of blood for use by the Red Cross for someone/somewhere?  There is a constant need for blood.  Every 2 seconds someone/somewhere in the U.S. needs blood.  Only 3% of eligible people donate.  Anyone 16 years and older and in good health can donate.  We encouraged our younger people to step up and donate for someone/somewhere.

Coffee Break will not meet on March 6 or 13.

Coffee Break Bible Study will host a special meeting on March 20 at First CRC in Edgerton and invite all women to attend. Mr. Brian Busker, a teacher at SWC, will speak on the history and basic beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Brunch will be served at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Room. Story Hour and a nursery will be provided. Brian will also speak at the Coffee Break Bible Study evening at 6:30 p.m.

Center of Hope: The Center of Hope needs the following items: Men’s Coats, Adult Coveralls, Children’s Coats, Children’s Snow Pants, Gloves, and mittens (all sizes), Men’s Shoes, Backpacks for people transitioning out of prison, and Hygiene Kit items. If you want to donate any of these items, please place them in the box in the coat room.

SAVE THE DATE - It is Tea Party time! All women (0-99+) are invited for tea, fellowship, and encouragement on Saturday, April 6, at 10:00 a.m. at First Christian Reformed Church in Edgerton. Sister's Tea will celebrate our sisterhood in Christ as we "encourage and build one another up" (1 Thessalonians 5:11). Tea and other refreshments, a light lunch, and desserts are provided. Floppy hats optional! There will also be a free-will donation box and silent auction with proceeds benefiting Royal Family Kids Camp in Southwest Minnesota (check them on Facebook). So, gather your sisters in Christ and join us for a fun morning! For more information, visit "Sister's Tea" Facebook page. If you have any questions or would like to reserve a seat(s) or a table (seats 8), please contact Ashley Stoel (507-227-6446) or Courtney Vis (507-920-2831). RSVPs are due by Monday, April 1.   

ATLAS for Life, Pipestone is excited to announce a new fundraiser! ATLAS will be hosting a greenhouse this spring supplied by VIP Floral and Greenhouse. Currently, we are looking for volunteers to help “man” the greenhouse for the 6–8-week timeframe. We are having an organizational meeting on Tuesday, March 19 at 2:30 p.m. at the ATLAS office – 101 2nd St. NE in Pipestone (just north of the Ewert Rec Center) to learn more about this volunteer opportunity for this fundraiser. Green thumbs and enthusiastic individuals are encouraged to attend this meeting for an afternoon of information, snacks, and interaction. Please call the ATLAS office if you are interested in this opportunity and unable to participate in the meeting or have questions: 507.562.5777.



March 17 Bulletin Announcements


March 3, 2024 Bulletin Announcements