November 3, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
Profession of Faith: Ready to Take the Next Step in Your Faith Journey?Calling all students who feel called to make their Profession of Faith! Join us for a special series of classes designed to deepen your understanding and commitment to Christ. Classes start today after worship and will continue on November 10, 17, 24, and December 8, with our final class on December 15 at the parsonage—where we'll watch the thought-provoking movie Spirit and Truth. This is your chance to explore what it means to stand boldly in your faith and proclaim your trust in Jesus before the church. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow and prepare for this significant milestone in your walk with the Lord.
Help Wanted: The RCW Soup Committee is looking for 3-4 more ladies to be on our committee. This is a big project and more assistance is needed, as our current members will stay on but are “maturing”. Please consider this and if interested, please contact Ora Bobeldyk.
Operation Christmas Child: Fall is here and it’s time to think about Operation Christmas Child. Please consider packing a box for boys and girls that may not get a Christmas gift at all this year. When packing shoe boxes make them fun, full, and personalized for each child. Collection dates are November 18-25 at noon. This gives you plenty of time to take the kids or grandkids shopping and let them help you make gift choices. The $10.00 donation is being covered by the church again this year so you don’t have that expense when you are packing your box. The boxes are here and ready to be filled. Thanks in advance!
Bloodmobile: There will be a Red Cross blood drive at the First Reformed Church in Edgerton on Monday, November 18, 2024 from 12:30 until 6:30. Please call Betty at 507-227-4816 or to make or confirm an appointment. There is a constant need for blood. Every 2 seconds, someone/somewhere in the U.S.A. needs a unit of blood. Anyone 16 years (with parental consent) or older and in good health is able to donate.
Thank You: Everyone from Edge Youth wants to extend a huge thank you to all who donated items for the Edgerton Food Shelf during our scavenger hunt this past Wednesday! With your help we were able to donate over 1,000 items! Also, to the parents who volunteered to help, we appreciate you! Thank you for helping us achieve this and forwarding this on to bless those in need!
RISE Ministries invites you to RISE with Rob & Friends – a night of hope through storytelling and music. Coming to Southwest Minnesota Christian Elementary School in Edgerton, MN on Saturday, November 23. Experience this intimate evening as singer-songwriters Patrick Mayberry, Micah Tyler, and Emerson Day take the stage together and share their music, the stories behind their songs, and more. Rob Roozeboom’s message will encourage and challenge you. Please join us for this incredible event! Tickets start at $22 for adults. Kids 10 and under are $10. Save $2 per ticket when you buy 4 or more! Tickets on sale at Doors open 6:00 pm || Event starts at 7:00 pm.
ATLAS: There will be a Fall Pro-Life Rally on Nov. 11th at 7:00 p.m. at the Pipestone Pizza Ranch (in the party room). Our guest speaker is Cathy Blaeser who is the co-executive director of MCCL based out of Minneapolis. She will give an update on current legislation and other issues. Anyone is welcome. SW MN MCCL Pro-Life Board
ATLAS Christmas Rummage and Boutique: Pipestone will be held on Saturday, November 16 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the ATLAS building (101 2nd St. NE) in Pipestone (snow date of Nov. 23). Fresh caramel rolls and coffee may be purchased as you shop for Christmas décor items and the ever-favorite potted Christmas arrangements. A hot sandwich meal will be served starting at 11:30 a.m. for $6.00 and will be a great “to-go” option. Thank you for your financial and prayer support of this annual fundraiser for ATLAS.
Upcoming Dates:
Congregational Meeting - December 2 at 7:00 p.m.