December 17 Evening Meditation: On Them Has Light Shone
As we planned the service for this evening. There were a lot of factors that we considered over the time and the conversations about what we were gonna do this evening actually started more than a year ago. We knew that we wanted to do something with candlelight, some sort of candlelight service. What we would do with the service we weren't sure about. We had some ideas. Should we have the children sing at the service? Do we have the choir sing? What kind of candles do we want to have? Probably the smartest thing we did was we decided to order the candles in February so we wouldn't be competing with other people with them for October and November.
Devotions: Hold Fast
Day 1:
Bible Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Devotional: Today, let's focus on living a Gospel-centered life. Reflect on the words of Paul in this passage - to rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all circumstances. How can you apply these teachings in your everyday life? Remember, these actions are the will of God for us. How can you bring a spirit of rejoicing, prayer, and gratitude into your day?
December 17 Sermon: Hold Fast
As we find ourselves now in the third Sunday in Advent, we once again see another passage of Scripture that has us looking at a passage of the suggestion of impending judgment. Now it doesn't have some of the stronger language of judgment Not the language of judgment we even saw in Isaiah 61, as we were reading from the Old Testament today, but definitely not some of the stronger language that we saw in the previous weeks. But we do find this implication of the coming judgment of the Lord Jesus Christ, because the Apostle Paul prays that God might keep the people of God blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Devotions: What Sort of People Ought You to Be?
Day 1:
Reading: 2 Peter 3:1-7
Devotional: Reflect on Peter's words about the scoffers who question the return of Jesus. Like them, do you find yourself impatient for the second coming of Christ, questioning why suffering and injustice persist? Spend some time in prayer asking God for the patience to trust His perfect timing. Remember, He is outside of time, not bound by our limited understanding.
December 10 Sermon: What Sort of People Ought You to Be?
On the second Sunday of Advent, we reflect on impatience in a fast-paced world and contemplate our waiting for the return of Jesus. We dig into 2 Peter 3:8–9, which addresses the delay of Jesus' return, emphasizes God's patience, and calls us to live in purity and readiness for the promised new heaven and new earth. As we delve into Peter's message, we are reminded to consider God's patience as an opportunity for repentance and faithful living each day.
Devotions: Keep Awake
Day 1:
Bible Reading: Mark 13:1-8
Devotional: Today, reflect on Jesus' prediction of the destruction of the temple. His prophetic words came to pass, demonstrating the authority and inspiration of the New Testament. The anticipation and preparation for this event draw parallels to our anticipation for the second coming of Jesus. How can you better prepare and anticipate for Jesus' return?
December 3 Sermon: Keep Awake
Advent serves as a time of anticipation, alertness, and assurance as we look forward to the second coming of Jesus. As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ we are called to keep awake and focus on our call to a holy life and prioritize eternal matters over worldly distractions.
What is Advent?
As we dive into the rhythm of the holiday season, there's a gem often tucked away in the busyness of the Christmas season. Most people have heard of Advent, but what exactly is Advent? It's more than a calendar countdown to Christmas; it's a soul-stirring journey of anticipation and hope.
Devotions: Woes
Day 1:
Reading: Luke 11:37-54
Devotional: Reflect on Jesus' rebuke to the Pharisees and lawyers for their hypocrisy. How does this challenge your own walk of faith? Are there areas in your life where you might focus more on outward appearance than an authentic relationship with God? Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal these areas to you.
November 26 Sermon: Woes
It was back in September of 2001 that my wife and I got on an airplane in Omaha and we flew to Cleveland. We were going there for the purpose of an interview at a church in Sundeski, ohio, to be the youth director at a church there. Now, after the interview, we got a full tour of the church building and the rest of the church property. As part of that tour, we checked out one of the two parsonages that the church had. Now, we only needed one tour because these two homes were mirror images of each other. So if you saw one, you saw the other.
Westminster Confession of Faith: Chapter 2
As we continue looking at the Westminster Confession of Faith, we dive into Chapter 2. After speaking on Holy Scripture in Chapter 1, we turn the page and zoom in on God and the Holy Trinity. It is a heavy topic, to be sure, but the Westminster Confession of Faith takes this difficult topic and condenses it down for us in a helpful and terse way.
Devotions: That They May See the Light
Day 1:
Bible Reading: Matthew 5:14-16
Devotional: Begin this week reflecting on the power of light, both physical and spiritual. Today's reading calls us to be the "light of the world". Consider how Jesus uses the metaphor of light to describe the influential role His followers should have in the world. How can you allow your life to shine brightly for Christ? Reflect on areas of your life that need to be illuminated by God's truth and love.
November 12 Sermon: That They May See the Light
Throughout Scripture, we often get some very powerful imagery for us to understand the work of God. In our lives we have this idea that it is light, and this is really helpful imagery because you and I know the power of light. We understand this one at some point in our lives. I'm sure that when you were younger you were afraid of the dark. This is just a natural thing in us that light is powerful.
A Sure Confidence
Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.
Last month I shared that I had been experiencing some television nostalgia by watching the Andy Griffith show. Enjoying stepping back into the past inspired me to watch another show that I watched as a child. When I was younger there was nothing more exciting than Friday evening at 7:00 PM. That was when "The Dukes of Hazzard" would come through the airwaves to channel 11 on our TV set. The show had cars flying through the air and arrows with sticks of dynamite attached to them. What's not to love?
Devotions: The Sign of Jonah
Day 1:
Bible Reading: Luke 11:29-32
Devotional: Jesus' stern warning to the crowd that was asking for a sign shows the gravity of ignoring his message and call for repentance. As we read today's scripture, let's reflect on the authority Jesus holds and the warning he issues. He reminds us of the importance of accepting his message and the dire consequences of rejecting it.
Reflection Questions:
1. How does Jesus' message in Luke 11:29-32 challenge your understanding of faith?
2. How can you apply Jesus' warning to your daily life?
November 5 Sermon: The Sign of Jonah
Dive into the teachings of Jesus in Luke 11:29-32. Discover the gravity of Jesus' message and his call for repentance. We consider the Pharisees' rejection of Jesus' plea, explore our own shortcomings, and gain deeper insights into faith, repentance, and Jesus' teachings. Will we heed Jesus' call and to embrace humility and repentance?
Devotions: The Righteousness of God
Day 1: The Rigor of Law
Reading: Romans 3:19-20
Devotional: The law of God serves to highlight our inability to live righteously and the depth of our sin. As we reflect on these verses, consider the rigor of God's law and our shortcomings in fulfilling it. The law was not given as a means of salvation but to illuminate our need for a Savior.
Reflection Question: How does understanding the rigor of God's law shape your perspective on God's grace and mercy?
October 29 Sermon: The Righteousness of God
When you're studying history, there are often those things that you study that kick off much larger movements. I'm guessing even if you aren't all that interested in studying history, you could probably come up with a few big events like this without thinking too much about it. The first one, of national significance, that came to mind for me is the start of the American Revolution. Now, you might remember it with far better precision than I do, but I at least know without knowing all the details, I know, of course it was significant. Now you might remember that it happened on April 19th 1775.
Reading Scripture with Christ at the Center
When it comes to reading the Bible there is one thing that I hear more than anything else. People have trouble understanding some parts of the Bible. I believe that a significant part of this is rooted in the way that we view the Bible. Rethinking how we view the Bible is an important first step for knowing how to understand it and apply it.
When I was younger, I read the Bible looking for things I could do. I saw the Bible as a big book that was filled with stories and rules that were telling me how to live. In a sense, this is true. God's word shows us how to live, but I was approaching it completely from the wrong perspective.