April 21, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
RCW Funding Focus: Fellowship Room Electronic Piano
There’s just one week left to donate to the spring FRCW Funding Focus: Fellowship Room Electronic Piano. Please take an envelope from the display near the welcome desk, insert the dollar amount on the envelope (or any amount you’d like to give), and put it into the marked box by Sunday, April 28. Thanks for your generosity!
Morning Coffee Volunteers: There is a signup sheet looking for volunteers to help with morning coffee before church. If you would like to be added to the schedule, please talk to Tricia Jouwstra or Caty Arp.
Food Shelf: The Food Shelf is in need of the following items: Cereal, toilet paper, spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, canned vegetables & fruits, soups, crackers, ketchup, peanut butter, hamburger helper, pancake mix & syrup.
Vacation Bible School: Join us for a fun-filled week of being immersed in the Word and discovering what Living Water is all about! Mark your calendars for Vacation Bible School for June 10-14! The registration table is set up with paper forms or you can also register online! To find those- check out our “VBS - Edgerton, MN” Facebook page. The cost is $10 per child. There will be no walk-ins this year, so please get signed up by May 26. We also have helper sign-up sheets out; we would love to have you join us this year! We are ready to dive into friendship with God!
ATLAS is hosting a mentor training workshop on Saturday, April 27 from 1:00-4:30 pm at the ATLAS office at 101 2nd St. NE in Pipestone. We all have a dear friend or family member who is dealing with hard choices or circumstances, and we struggle with how best to help. During this workshop, we will learn how to encourage, pray with, and bolster those we seek to help. For more information on this free workshop, contact the ATLAS office at 507.562.5777.
Upcoming Dates:
April 26-27 - Presbytery Meeting - Aplington, IA EPC
April 28 - Last Day of Sunday School
June 10-14 - Vacation Bible School