October 13, 2024 Bulletin Announcements

Note:  Pastor Mark will be on his scheduled sabbatical for the month of October. During this time, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to one of our elders for assistance. We look forward to welcoming him back, refreshed and renewed.  - The Elders 

Fall Clean-up:  Join us for a church grounds cleanup on Saturday, October 26, at 9:00 am. We need all hands on deck, so bring your trimmers, rakes, leaf blowers, garbage bags, clippers, or anything else that could help tidy up. If you have a pickup truck, it would be great for hauling things away. Anyone is welcome to come and help! 

Edge Youth is doing their scavenger hunt Wednesday, October 30th. New this year: we invite you to join in on the fun while we gather food for the Food Shelf! If you have food that  you'd like to donate, turn on your exterior house light and we will have groups come and ring your doorbell between 7:00-8:00 p.m.  We will pick up any donations but some needed items include: cereal, pancake mix & syrup, Mac & cheese, peanut butter, jelly, ketchup, canned vegetables & fruits, applesauce, pudding, & toilet paper.  We look forward to partnering with you as we help those in need! 

Sunday Reformation Breakfast: Our Fusion (Jr. High) Students are hosting a Reformation Breakfast Fundraiser on Sunday, October 27 following worship. We will be serving pancakes, sausages, milk & juice. Free will donations will go towards their RYM trip.

Profession of Faith:  Ready to Take the Next Step in Your Faith Journey?Calling all students who feel called to make their Profession of Faith! Join us for a special series of classes designed to deepen your understanding and commitment to Christ. We'll meet after worship on November 3, 10, 17, 24, and December 8, with our final class on December 15 at the parsonage—where we'll watch the thought-provoking movie Spirit and Truth.  This is your chance to explore what it means to stand boldly in your faith and proclaim your trust in Jesus before the church. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow and prepare for this significant milestone in your walk with the Lord.

Operation Christmas Child:  Fall is here and it’s time to think about Operation Christmas Child.  Please consider packing a box for boys and girls that may not get a Christmas gift at all this year.  When packing shoe boxes make them fun, full, and personalized for each child. Collection dates are November 18-25 at noon.  This gives you plenty of time to take the kids or grandkids shopping and let them help you make gift choices.  The $10.00 donation is being covered by the church again this year so you don’t have that expense when you are packing your box.  The boxes are hear and ready to be filled.  Thanks in advance!

Together in the Word:  Looking for a way to grow deeper in your faith? Our new Together in the Word devotional is designed to help you engage with Scripture. Sign up today to receive your copy of this 8-session study through 1 John. Whether you’re studying alone or with a friend, this book will guide you in reflecting on God’s Word. Sign up at the Welcome Desk or online at intheword.efrc.me.

 Note:  Pastor Bill and Sandy Vis (Bethel CRC's interim pastor) cruised around the world earlier this year. In response to many requests, a slide show has been prepared highlighting some of what they saw. It will be presented after the evening service next Sunday, October 13, at Bethel Church, beginning around 7:45. 

Fundraiser:  There will be a free will donation Nacho Supper and Silent Auction for Sarah Warren held on Wednesday, October 23 from 5:00 pm-7:00 pm in the Gray Wolf back room.  If anyone would like to donate any items for the Silent Auction, contact Alyssa Bleyenburg.  Sarah is a Case Manager, RN at Edgebrook Care Center. She has worked at Edgebrook for several years. She also has 2 young children at home.  Sarah was diagnosed with Stage 3 Colorectal Cancer in May.  She has gone through 25 radiation treatments and is now undergoing 8 cycles of chemotherapy.







October 20, 2024 Bulletin Announcement


October 6, 2024 Bulletin Announcements