August 25, 2024 Bulletin Announcements
Midweek Meals: We are looking for another Midweek meal team. They usually prep/serve around 4-5 easy meals during the Midweek season. Volunteering is a wonderful opportunity to connect with fellow community members and children. Please sign up and join us if you're available and willing to lend a hand. A signup sheet is on the coffee counter in the entryway. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Bev Van't Hof. Thank you for your generosity and support!
August 18, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
Volunteers Needed: We are seeking a few more volunteers to join our Sunday School and Midweek teams! Your involvement will help nurture and inspire our children as their faith grows. We believe that God calls each of us to serve, and this is a wonderful opportunity to answer that call. Please consider lending a hand and making a difference in our children. To volunteer, please get in touch with Caitlin Arp. Thanks!
August 11, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
Volunteers Needed: We are seeking more volunteers to join our Sunday School and Midweek teams! Your involvement will help nurture and inspire our children as their faith grows. We believe that God calls each of us to serve, and this is a wonderful opportunity to answer that call. Please consider lending a hand and making a difference in our children. To volunteer, please get in touch with Caitlin Arp. Thanks!
August 4, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
Midweek Meals: We are looking for another Midweek meal team. They usually prep/serve around 4-5 easy meals during the Midweek season. Volunteering is a wonderful opportunity to connect with fellow community members and children. Please sign up and join us if you're available and willing to lend a hand. A signup sheet is on the coffee counter in the entryway. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Bev Van't Hof. Thank you for your generosity and support!
July 28, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
Fill Our Tanks Update: Thank you for the fantastic generosity toward the gas fundraiser for Reformed Youth Ministries Middle School Texas. We met our goal and received enough donations for 16 tanks of gas. Thank you to everyone who made this possible.
July 21, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
Volunteers Needed: We are looking for dedicated volunteers to join our Sunday School and Midweek teams! Your involvement will help nurture and inspire our children as their faith grows. We believe that God calls each of us to serve, and this is a wonderful opportunity to answer that call. Please consider lending a hand and making a difference in our children. To volunteer, please get in touch with Caitlin Arp. Thanks!
July 14, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
Coffee Fellowship List: It is time to update the coffee fellowship list for the upcoming year. If you would like to be added or deleted from this list, please contact Shanna Snyder or put a message in her church mailbox. If you are adding, please make sure to include your contact phone number. The list will be distributed by the beginning of August.
July 7, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
Coffee Fellowship List: It is time to update the coffee fellowship list for the upcoming year. If you would like to be added or deleted from this list, please contact Shanna Snyder or put a message in her church mailbox. If you are adding, please include your contact phone number. The list will be distributed by the beginning of August.
Fill Our Tanks: Summer is now upon us, and the Jr. High trip to RYM Texas will be here before we know it. We need your help getting down the road with our "Fill Our Tanks" fundraiser. Like last year, we will travel via vans, and it will take 16 total tanks to get us there and back. Consider donating $20 for a quarter tank, $40 for a half, or $80 for a full tank, but any donation is greatly appreciated. You can drop your donations in the gas can at the Welcome Desk.
Flood Victim Relief Donations
Donations Needed:
Liquid dish soap
Laundry detergent (medium in size or small)
Chemical-resistant Latex gloves
Mold & mildew spray
Cleaning buckets
June 30, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
Note: The bulletin will be printed early next week. Please have all bulletin announcements in by noon on Wednesday.
Fill Our Tanks: Summer is now upon us, and the Jr. High trip to RYM Texas will be here before we know it. We need your help getting down the road with our "Fill Our Tanks" fundraiser. Like last year, we will travel via vans, and it will take 16 total tanks to get us there and back. Consider donating $20 for a quarter tank, $40 for a half, or $80 for a full tank, but any donation is greatly appreciated. You can drop your donations in the gas can at the Welcome Desk.
June 23, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
Thank You: Huge shout out to Mark & Diane Brockberg for their amazing spiritual influence on the youth of our church. Witnessing Diane and her constant devotion to helping our youth not only find Christ but to be active witnesses for Him is inspiring. Our church family should be so proud that kids from our entire community seek The Lord through this ministry. What a privilege to have been asked to accompany kids on their RYM trip. Thank you as well to our supportive congregation. Your help in funding this trip truly changes young hearts and lives. - Melisa Van Dyke
Thank you for the donations to the Center of Hope. We appreciate your generosity. God Bless You! Center of Hope Staff
June 16, 2024 Bulletin Announcements
Vacation Bible School: THANK YOU to all our volunteers, pastors, parents, and children who helped make this week a huge success! Without you and your time, we couldn't do it. We are so blessed to be able to pour into the lives of children in this congregation and community! We were blessed with over 200+ children attending our VBS week. This year's theme was "Diving into Friendship with God" and a verse we focused on John 3:16. It's our prayer that Scuba VBS will immerse everyone in a deeper, richer relationship with God.
- VBS Directors
June 9, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
Vacation Bible School: We look forward to a fun-filled week of VBS! If you signed up to help, please be at First Reformed Church around 8:40 a.m. We are ready to dive into God's Word, sing His praises, and create new friendships along the way! Thank you to everyone who helped make this week possible! Everyone is invited to attend our VBS program at SWC - Elementary Campus on Friday, June 14, at 11:30 a.m.
June 2, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
Fill Our Tanks: Summer is now upon us, and the Jr. High trip to RYM Texas will be here before we know it. We need your help getting down the road with our "Fill Our Tanks" fundraiser. Like last year, we will travel via vans, and it will take 16 tanks to get us there and back. Consider donating $20 for a quarter tank, $40 for a half, or $80 for a full tank, but any donation is greatly appreciated. You can drop your donations in the gas can at the Welcome Desk.
Jr. High RYM Volunteers: We are looking for two people willing to pick up and drop off the rental vans for our trip so that our drivers do not have to spend extra time in the car before and after the trip. Drivers must be available at 6:30 a.m. on July 30 and roughly 8:00 p.m. on August 5. Talk to Pastor Mark to volunteer.
May 26, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
Prayer Warriors: We invite everyone to be a prayer warrior! Grab a list of all those attending RYM-Colorado, and be in prayer for them as they prepare to leave and while they are on the trip. Edge Youth and chaperones will be leaving June 9, and return June 15.
Care Packages: Thank You to everyone who grabbed a care package for the Edge Youth trip to RYM-Colorado! Please fill them and return them on or before June 7th!
May 19, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
Vacation Bible School: Join us for a fun-filled week of being immersed in the Word and discovering what Living Water is all about! Mark your calendars for Vacation Bible School for June 10-14. Please get signed up by May 26! (No walk-ins this year.) Helpers: We are also in need of more adult helpers for the week. If you can help, please sign up on the sheet at the registration table or talk to one of your church VBS Directors!
May 12, 2024 Bulletin Announcements
Edge Youth: Help us send Edge Youth off on their RYM trip to Colorado with care packages! There are bags with names and a little info about who they are and the snacks or drinks they like. Please grab a bag, fill it with what you please, and return it to church before June 7. There is also a list of everyone going on the trip, grab a bag and please be a prayer warrior for the trip.
Vacation Bible School: Join us for a fun-filled week of being immersed in the Word and discovering what Living Water is all about! Mark your calendars for Vacation Bible School for June 10-14. Please get signed up by May 26! (No walk-ins this year.) Helpers: We also need more adult helpers for the week. If you can help, please sign up on the sheet at the registration table or talk to one of your church’s VBS Directors!
May 5, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
THANK YOU for your generous donations to the RCW Funding Focus: Fellowship Room Electronic Piano! A total of $1,775 was raised! The worship committee will choose a piano to purchase. Thanks again for your support!
Food Shelf: The Food Shelf is in need of the following items: Cereal, toilet paper, spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, canned vegetables & fruits, soups, crackers, ketchup, peanut butter, hamburger helper, pancake mix & syrup.
April 26-27, 2024 Presbytery Summary
Summary of the 41st Stated Meeting of Rivers & Lakes Presbytery April 26-27, 2024 Aplington, IA
Moderator TE Ted Tromble opened our meeting with singing and prayer.
TE Doug Hull welcomed us to Aplington EPC.
Clerk’s Report: On behalf of the Coordinating Council, TE Annie Rose presented three proposed amendments to the RLP Bylaws, which will come to a vote in September. She also reminded all that General Assembly is June 18- 20 in Memphis. Session Clerks need to submit the online endorsement form for Ruling Elder Commissioners.
April 28, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
RCW Funding Focus: Fellowship Room Electronic Piano
Today is the LAST DAY to donate to the spring FRCW Funding Focus: Fellowship Room Electronic Piano. Please take an envelope from the display near the welcome desk, insert the dollar amount on the envelope (or any amount you’d like to give), and put it into the marked box. Thank you!
Morning Coffee Volunteers: There is a signup sheet looking for volunteers to help with morning coffee before church. If you want to be added to the schedule, please talk to Tricia Jouwstra or Caty Arp.