April 21, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
RCW Funding Focus: Fellowship Room Electronic Piano
There’s just one week left to donate to the spring FRCW Funding Focus: Fellowship Room Electronic Piano. Please take an envelope from the display near the welcome desk, insert the dollar amount on the envelope (or any amount you’d like to give), and put it into the marked box by Sunday, April 28. Thanks for your generosity!
Morning Coffee Volunteers: There is a signup sheet looking for volunteers to help with morning coffee before church. If you would like to be added to the schedule, please talk to Tricia Jouwstra or Caty Arp.
Niger Mission Trip: Final Update
The last four days have been a blur; so much to do with not enough time.
On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, we performed a few surgeries and procedures. There were a lot of things to think about and go over before we left on Friday.
April 14, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
FRCW Funding Focus: Fellowship Room Electronic PianoThe First Reformed Church Women (FRCW) are having a fundraiser to purchase an electronic piano for the fellowship hall. An electronic piano is lighter and more portable than an actual piano and does not need to be tuned. An electronic piano could be connected to the sound system, if needed, and could also be used in the sanctuary if three pianos are played together. Please choose a donation amount envelope from the display near the welcome desk. Insert the dollar amount shown on the envelope (or any amount you choose to give) and put it into the marked box by Sunday, April 28. That’s all – no cooking, baking, working, or time needed! Thank you for your help and generosity!
Niger Mission Trip Update #3
More updates and blessings from Africa!
Yesterday, we attended a local church for Sunday worship. The service started at 9:00 and ended at 11:50. All the members were excited to enter and praise! The first hour was praise and worship, with the kids' choir, junior choir, and women's choir.
Niger Mission Trip Update #2
Hello again from Africa!
Most things have stayed the same. We have everything unpacked and set up for surgery next week. Unfortunately, the power supply has not been cooperating with us. The whole building needed to be rewired to meet American electrical standards. This was mostly completed by the time we arrived, but by the time we had everything ready to plug in, the power grid was too unstable to power up 14 plus machines that the clinic has.
April 7, 2024 Bulletin Announcements
Jr. High Fusion Taco Supper: On Wednesday, April 10, we will be having our Annual Jr. High Taco Supper from 5:30-7:00 pm. All are invited to join us for tacos and root beer floats. The money raised will go towards their RYM trip in August. Thank you for supporting our youth!
FRCW Funding Focus: Fellowship Room Electronic Piano
The First Reformed Church Women (FRCW) are having a fundraiser to purchase an electronic piano for the fellowship room. An electronic piano is lighter and more portable than an actual piano and does not need to be tuned. An electronic piano could be connected to the sound system, if needed, and could also be used in the sanctuary if three pianos are played together.
Niger Mission Trip Update #1
Greetings from Africa!
We spent the majority of the first three days traveling to Africa. We left on Friday and finally arrived on Monday morning. We were blessed to attend Easter Sunday services in Niger, and they asked us to serve the sacraments to the congregation. We arrived at the church building at 9:30, and the service ended at 11:50. There was a lot of praise and worship, dancing, testimonies, and a Profession of Faith. Many rejoiced because it was Sunday, and they could attend church!
March 31, 2024 Bulletin Announcements
Jr. High Fusion Taco Supper: On Wednesday, April 10, we will be having our Annual Jr. High Taco Supper from 5:30-7:00 pm. All are invited to join us for tacos and root beer floats. The money raised will go towards their RYM trip in August. Thank you for supporting our youth!
March 24 Bulletin Announcements
Maundy Thursday Brunch at First Reformed Church on Thursday, March 28 at 9:30 a.m. Coffee and muffins at 9:00 a.m. Guest speakers this year include SWC students and other church members who will share about their trip to En-Gedi Children’s Home in Kenya. The free-will offering will go to the En-Gedi Children’s Home which Margaret Njuguna founded. All women of the community are invited.
March 17 Bulletin Announcements
Bloodmobile: There will be a Red Cross blood drive at the First Christian Reformed Church in Edgerton on Monday, March 25, 2024 from 12:30 until 6:30. Please call Betty at 507-227-8416 or fbhuisken@gmail.com to make or to confirm an appointment. Can we collect 75 units of blood for use by the Red Cross for someone/somewhere. There is a constant need for blood. Every 2 seconds someone/somewhere in the U.S. needs blood. Only 3% of eligible people donate. Anyone 16 years and older and in good health is able to donate. We encourage our younger people to step up and make a donation for someone/somewhere.
March 10 Bulletin Announcements
Coffee Break Bible Study will host a special meeting on March 20 at First CRC in Edgerton and invite all women to attend. Mr. Brian Busker, a teacher at SWC, will speak on the history and basic beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Brunch will be served at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Room. Story Hour and a nursery will be provided. Brian will also speak at the Coffee Break Bible Study evening at 6:30 p.m.
March 3, 2024 Bulletin Announcements
Prayer Chain: Stay connected with our faith community through prayer requests and updates. Text EFRCPRAYER to 84576 to subscribe and be a part of this powerful network of prayer. If you have a prayer request to add to the Prayer Chain, you can text or call 507-369-6275. We suggest putting this number in your contacts, so you have it when you need it! Prayer items will only be added to the Prayer Chain by request.
En-Gedi Mission Trip Update #10 (Final)
Friday, February 16
We spent part of Friday morning and part of the afternoon with the En-Gedi children.
Our usual routine when spending time with them was to put our aprons on and greet the kids who could communicate. Then, each of us spent a few minutes with the immobile, non-communicative children, talking to and touching them, trying to coax some smiles, giggles, or other responses.
February 25, 2024 Bulletin Announcements
Note: On Tuesday, February 27 the EHS students will be in the fellowship hall doing a practice ACT session. Please refrain from entering 8:00 a.m.—12:00N.
Marked By Grace: Our Lenten devotional series will take us through the Gospel of Mark. With our final reading being the resurrection story in Mark 16 on Easter Sunday. Each day has a Bible reading, a short reading about the passage, and some questions for you to consider. You can find them every day on the blog on the church website. On the website, you have the devotional content and a link to the scripture reading. There is a quick link to the devotional content efrc.me/devo. We will also post the link to the daily devotionals on our Facebook Page. The printed out devotionals for February 21-March 2 are on the table in the Narthex.
En-Gedi Mission Trip Update #8
We spent much of the day with the En-Gedi kids. We played with large Lego blocks, sang songs (and made up some new, silly verses), and tickled some toes that peeked out of socks. Some of the older children seemed to be in a silly mood! One untied Karen's apron strings when she turned her back to him.
What a joy it was to hear their belly laughs and listen to them singing praises to our God, each in his or her own special way!
En-Gedi Mission Trip Update #7
We ate an early breakfast and were on our way back to Kitengela by 8 am. We arrived at En-Gedi around 1:30 pm, grateful to be back.
Following a good, hearty lunch, we carried our bags to our rooms, unpacked, and rested for a while.
February 18, 2024 Bulletin Announcements
En-Gedi update: Please continue to pray for Diane Westenberg and Kristin Groen as they return home from Kenya on Monday/Tuesday.
Marked By Grace: Our Lenten devotional series will take us through the Gospel of Mark. We will begin on February 14 and finish on Easter Sunday with the resurrection story in Mark 16. Each day has a Bible reading, a short reading about the passage, and some questions for you to consider. The website has the devotional content and a link to the scripture reading. There is a quick link to the devotional content at efrc.me/devo. We will also post the link to the daily devotionals on our Facebook Page. The printed-out devotionals for February 21-March 2 are on the table in the Narthex.
En-Gedi Mission Trip Update #6
After a buffet breakfast on Sunday and Monday mornings, our safari driver, Sammy, picked us up, and we entered Amboseli National Park. We were blessed and excited to see hundreds of African elephants, zebras, pink flamingos, and Thompson’s and Grant’s Gazelles. Small groups of warthogs, monkeys, baboons, ostriches, hippos, and a cheetah were among the other animals we saw.
Mid-morning on Sunday, we stopped at a resort for snacks, refreshments, and cooling down. Brenda carried a small bag of potato chips as we walked from our safari vehicle. Several baboons and monkeys were nearby; some mothers held and carried tiny babies. We watched them for a bit. Suddenly, a monkey came out of nowhere, ran toward Brenda, grabbed her bag of potato chips, and climbed into the trees! Brenda squealed, and every monkey and baboon in the area chased after the monkey and chips! Tree leaves flew, and a lot of chattering followed! It all happened in the blink of an eye! Oh, what we’d give to have captured it on video!
En-Gedi Mission Trip Update #5
After a quick breakfast, our bags were loaded into a safari vehicle, and Margaret and I headed to the Centrim Amboseli Lodge, a five-hour drive from the Tanzanian border and Amboseli National Park.
As you can imagine, five coffee-drinking women needed a restroom break a few hours down the road. It just so happened that the place we stopped sold African items hand-made by talented local crafters. We shopped, bartered, had refreshments, and were on our way again.
As we neared our resort, Mt. Kilimanjaro became clearer and clearer! We did not know we’d be privileged to see this beautiful, famous mountain, the tallest, stand-alone mountain in Africa!
En-Gedi Mission Trip Update #4
We praised God for a restful night and enjoyed another delicious breakfast prepared by our cook, Rose. We are thoroughly enjoying the fresh fruits grown at En-Gedi or nearby farms!
We heard last night that three or four En-Gedi kids had fevers and were not feeling well. A few became sick with vomiting and diarrhea during the night. A few of us ladies also felt a little “off.” We decided it would be in everyone’s best interest not to visit the En-Gedi kids today. Instead, the four of us enjoyed coffee and devotions together outdoors.